
The Little Garden of Roses and Valley of Lilies is unavailable, but you can change that!

Two key works from Thomas à Kempis in one volume, The Little Garden of Roses and Valley of Lilies offers practical advice, meditations, and prayers for leading an enriched Christian life. Chapters include “On Warring against Our Own Vices,” “On Trust in God in Time of Trouble,” “On the Efficacy of Prayer, and the Advantages of Pious Reading,” plus forty-nine more wisdom-filled chapters.

to the afflicted, gives to Jesus a loving kiss. He that mourns over the faults of his brother, and supplicates for his pardon, washes and wipes the feet of Jesus. He that turns the anger of his brother to peace, prepares in his soul a bed of flowers for Jesus. (Cant. Lectula respersa floribus.) He that at table gives up to his brother the better portion set aside for him, feeds Jesus with the bread and honey of charity. He that meditates with fervour on God, introduces Jesus into the secret chamber
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